Learning Curve

Producer asks for real college tales

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Hollywood? So desperately out of ideas that it’s turning to real-life college students’ stories to fuel a new comedy? How very dare you!

Okay, so there’s some truth… American Pie producer Warren Zide is obviously sick of the whole “listening to pitch ideas” part of development that he’s setting up websites to gather stories and memories from the public to turn into a film called It's Only College.

The first site is online already here, but makes it clear that this is not a contest. There are rewards for those whose stories make it into the film, however: “You get tickets to the premiere, a 'special thanks' credit, a DVD of the movie and limited-edition T-shirts."

The idea came to Zide in the gym, apparently. “I was thinking about how hard it was to come up with storylines for my latest film, so it occurred to me that I should ask people who'd been real students," he told Variety. "I thought, 'After all, it's only college.' Then I thought, 'This is a franchise.' "

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