Great Expectations

Emma and Greg wise up to parenthood

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Her erstwhile husband might be fending off rumours about affairs with actresses half his age, but Emma Thompson has her mind on higher things. Speaking at the premiere of Mad Cows in London this week, a heavily pregnant Thompson and her partner Greg Wise were clearly looking forward to the patter of tiny feet. 'I'm feeling very excited and scared about it... ' enthused Thompson, whose baby is due in December. 'I think the main thing is not to listen to what anybody else tells you about giving birth because it always sounds like a disaster.' Wise, whose role in Mad Cows has him deserting Anna Friel when she becomes pregnant, clearly hasn't taken his work home with him. 'I am very Zen about it at the moment.' he told reporters. 'We have got another month or so of quiet rest. We painted the baby room and we just have to wait now.'

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