Gladiator: The Musical?

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Gladiator: The Musical?

by empire |
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Could you picture Ridley Scott’s Gladiator as an all-singing, all-dancing musical? Well, maybe not the dancing part, but if Lord Of The Rings can become a tune-laden theatre extravaganza, then clearly anything can.

But according to reports over at Contactmusic, the tale of Maximus Decimus Meridius will be the next big thing on the West End stage. With one of the movie’s writers (William Nicholson) apparently hard at work on the story and plans to use Hans Zimmer’s music already afoot, all that’s left to sort out is who’ll be playing the armoured hero.

Scratch Russell Crowe for a start – he wouldn’t want to be playing the role he’s already conquered every night for tourists and arty types, even if it did get him a shot at theatre glory. Nope, the producers are apparently looking at Broadway regular Brian Stokes Mitchell to take over the part.

"It's a terrific story which, with the right songs, will be a great show," an “associate” of producer Brian Eastman apparently told the site. Can’t wait – anyone for a rousing chorus of ‘Unleash Hell’? (“At my signal, unleash HEEEELLL… Well done centurions, you fought so WEEEELLL…”) Yeah, we wouldn’t hire us either.

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