Fox Wants Talking Babies

US E*Trade ads may become movie…

Fox Wants Talking Babies

by James White |
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It’s been a while since chatty infants have been considered prime fodder for films – you probably have to go back to the Look Who’s Talking/Baby Geniuses era to find anything like what Fox is apparently planning: adapting a series of talking toddler adverts into a comedy.

UK readers may not be all that familiar with them – you can find one example here – unless you’re an Americanophile or enjoy watching Superbowl ads. The E*Trade spots feature babies with CG mouths and dialogue about investments added in. And that’s it. Yup, sounds like the ingredients for a massive motion picture to us!

Still, according to Pajiba, Fox is ploughing ahead, hiring Parks And Recreation writer Katie Dippold to concoct a mission movie based on the concept.

Since it’s not quite April Fool’s Day, we’ll go ahead and believe the rumour for now. Even if our brains are screaming at us to run away.

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