Exclusive: Ridley Scott On Prometheus

Talks Space Jockey and ratings

Exclusive: Ridley Scott On Prometheus

by Phil de Semlyen |
Published on

Ridley Scott's **Prometheus **adorns the cover of this month's **Empire **(on sale tomorrow, fact lovers) and his words are to be found inside. Tremendous words they are, too.

The director sat down to talk exclusively through his impending science-fiction epic, soup to nuts, delving deep into his **Alien **past to shed light on his return to the world of the Space Jockey.

"[I've wanted to revisit it for] years! Years, years, years," he stresses of Alien's space traveller subplot. "I always wondered when they did [Aliens] 2,3 and 4 why they hadn't touched upon that, instead of evolving into some other fantastic story. They missed the biggest question of them all: who's the big guy? And where were they going? And with what? Why that cargo? There's all kinds of questions."

Another question for Scott is the film's rating. He hints that the violence may have been toned-down enough to facilitate a PG-13 rating, but intriguingly suggests that the impact will match the R-grade shocks of **Alien **and Aliens. "The question is, do you go for the PG-13, [which] financially makes quite a difference, or do you go for what it should be, which is R? Essentially, it's kinda R."

"It's not just about the blood, it's about ideas that are very stressful. I'm not an idiot, but I'll do everything I can to get the most aggressive film I can."

Catch the interview in full in Empire's May issue, out on March 29. Prometheus, meanwhile,** **is out on June 1 in 3D.

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