Enda The Road

Doom finds replacement Director

by empire |
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Those of you who like to keep abreast of the latest in computer game-to-movie news will be keen to learn that bloody good cinematographer Andrzej Bartowiak (try typing that name fast five times) has replaced Enda McCallion on the cinematic adaptation of Doom. It was to be McCallion's debut feature, but according to Universal, the music video director has bowed out for 'personal reasons'. So, step up to the plate, Mr Bartowiak. You may remember him as the man who pointed the lights and lenses on such films as Falling Down, Lethal Weapon 4, and the staggeringly well shot Thirteen Days. Pretty good, eh? Well, we've got to be honest and include the fact that his CV as director has slightly less sparkle: Cradle 2 The Grave, Exit Wounds, and Romeo Must Die. All, it must be said, films that float comfortably within the B-osphere. But, and in this case it's a Sir Mixalot-sized big 'but', the guy obviously has a talent for

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