This Is The End

Political cop thriller on the way

This Is The End

by empire |
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French director Bruno Dumont just can’t stop taking aim at America.

While in Cannes to promote his latest film, the Iraq-questioning Flandres, Dumont announced that his nest project is an LA-set cop thriller called The End.

"Today in every way there is a desire for all things American. This is something I want to analyze. I want to give back to the US the pictures they send us. There is a desire for change after everything America has diffused to us," Dumont told Variety. “I don't want to pick a fight with the US, but I'm interested in audiences around the world, not just America," he added.

He might have had more luck convincing everyone had not his 2003 film Twentynine Palms taken pot shots at American values and culture. You can picture George Bush shaking his fist and exclaiming “Dumoooont!” in true William Shatner-style right now…

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