Empire Presents 101 Classic Scenes: Special Edition On Sale Now

Classic Scenes

by John Nugent |
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In July 1989, the very first edition of Empire magazine arrived on magazine shelves. It looked quite different to how it does today – but the final page of the fledgling movie mag featured a by-now familiar feature: the Classic Scene, printing in full Marlon Brando’s “I coulda been a contender” speech from On The Waterfront. Since then, every issue (with a few cheeky exceptions) has devoted its final page to a Classic Scene, featuring some of cinema’s most iconic moments. With nearly thirty years of Classic Scenes logged, we thought it was about time we collected a selection of the best for a very special one-off edition{ =nofollow}.

And here it is. Empire Presents 101 Classic Scenes, on sale now{ =nofollow}, assembles some of the most memorable moments in cinematic history, starting in 1938 with Errol Flynn’s speech from The Adventures Of Robin Hood and finishing in 2016 with Darth Vader’s triumphant return from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. In between, there’s Westerns (A Fistful Of Dollars), romance (Brief Encounter), horror (The Shining), sci-fi (2001: A Space Odyssey) and Malkovichs (Being John Malkovich).

It’s a thrilling and rather handsome expedition through nearly a century of cinema (even if we do say so ourselves) and an essential compendium for any film fan worth his or her salt. Empire Presents 101 Classic Scenes is on sale in all good and evil newsagents now – or you can buy it directly online here{ =nofollow}.

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