That's right, it's time to release the brand new Empire cover (out this Thursday, July 28), and needless to say, this month's issue is an absolute cracker. For starters there's Karl Urban as **Judge Dredd **glowering menacingly into your magazine-buying eyes, flanked on either side by Andrew Garfield's The Amazing Spider-Man and Christian Bale's Batman for The Dark Knight Rises.
Not a bad little team, we think you'll agree... Inside the actual issue itself you'll be happy to discover 12 ever-so-very exclusive exclusives, including John Carter, Man Of Steel, **The Avengers **and Men In Black 3. Yep, we've really got the lot this time – after all, this is the Heroes Of 2012 issue we're talking about.
Then there's an amazing collection of unseen Jaws photography for you Spielberg afficionados to feast your eyes on, as well as everything you need to know about** Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy**. Not forgetting Olly Moss' Ollywood and all the other brilliant regulars you (hopefully) know and (ideally) love.
Trust us, it'll make that train journey / uber-long bath / bus trip to Bangor / space shuttle expidition just fly by in a flurry of high quality journalism and pictures of Karl Urban kicking doors in. You know, just the way you like it.
Click cover to enlarge
Excited? Head over to the magazine channel for an in-depth preview of just what's going on inside Empire's latest issue, just to whet your appetite even more.
This month's Empire is on newsstands Thursday, July 28, but if you've already subscribed you should have your copies now, or within the next couple of days or so. Lovely.