Edgar Wright’s Ant-Man Gets Release Date

Mark November 6, 2015 in your diaries

Edgar Wright's Ant-Man Gets Release Date

by Ali Plumb |
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A Disney/Marvel press release has revealed a few new details, including the release date, for Edgar Wright's Ant-Man: November 6, 2015. This means it'll be coming out in the same year as The Avengers 2 (May 1, 2015).

Elsewhere, Thor: The Dark World is confirmed for a 3D release, as is Iron Man 3. Other details are marginally less interesting, including the news of Phineas And Ferb's bump to 2014 and Saving Mr. Banks coming out on December 20, 2013.

It is eminently reassuring, however, that Edgar Wright's Ant-Man is still definitely, 100% happening, after what feels like eons of to-ing and fro-ing and that appetite-whetting test footage seen back at Comic-Con earlier in the year.

All that's left to do now is to guess what the Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World director is going to do with the beloved size-changing superhero come 2015. Adapt a classic comic book run or go out on his own? And who should star as the titular hero? Let us know your guesswork in the comment box below.

Ant-Man will hit our cinemas screens (we've now learnt) on November 6, 2015. As for the rest of Marvel's slate, there's Iron Man 3 (May 3, 2013), Thor: The Dark World (November 8, 2013), **Captain America: The Winter Soldier **(April 4, 2014), Guardians Of The Galaxy (August 1, 2014) and as previously mentioned, The Avengers 2 (May 1, 2015).

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