Downey Jnr’s Change Of Heart

Actor is now pro-jail for drug offenders

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In a coup for American men's magazine Details, Robert Downey Junior has given them the first interview since his release from prison. Talking candidly about his time in jail for drug offences the star says; 'I would have been the first to say it's unconstitutional to put drug abusers in jail or prison. Well, it's unconstitutional to be a human being and screw your life up that way.' Asked what sentence he would impose on offenders like himself, the actor says, 'Lock 'em down.' Living in a rehab house and in constant contact with his probation officer, Downey Jnr has just finished filming eight episodes of Ally McBeal - an experience which he says, 'I thought it was inventive and cool. But to tell you the truth, I would have been happy upon getting to do a [fast food] commercial. I'd been a bit of a snob about TV, and it was just another thing I was wrong about.' Discussing the addiction that landed him in prison, the actor says, 'Chemicals were the last addition to an entirely bloated dysfunction. For me, it was about women and spending. The drugs were the icing, part of the deal.' And Downey Jnr now admits that drug offences are not a victimless crime - revealing that he resorted to drugs whilst being with his kid. 'Things that used to feel like such a chore. Like, ugh, my kid wants to look at these Pokemon cards. God! Really! I could deal with this if I smoked a couple grams of black-tar heroin.' But things are on the up for the star. Not only does he make the cover of Details, but it seems clear to his friends and colleagues that Downey Jnr is working hard to make a go of his life. 'I'm proud of the way I've conducted myself since the incarceration and proud of the choices I've made since I've been released.'

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