Dépardieu Faces Trial

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Gerard D ardieu has been told that, despite reports to the contrary, he will after all be ordered to stand trial on charges of drunk driving following his motorcycle accident on May 18th. The actor, last seen alongside Leonardo Di Caprio in The Man In The Iron Mask, is due in court on July 23rd. If found guilty, he could face any combination of up to two years in prison, a very large fine and loss of his driving license for up to five years. The accident occurred outside Paris when he was on his way to the set of Asterix and Obelix vs. Caesar. He was allegedly travelling at about 90 mph and was five times over the legal alcohol limit at the time. He was hospitalised for several days with leg and abdominal injuries and has only recently resumed work on the film, which has the largest budget of any French film ever made.

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