Since the third film, the Harry Potter movies have been good, but we've yet to see a great big screen translation of the tales of the boy wizard. That could potentially change if Warner Bros listens to Guillermo Del Toro's statement that he'd like to direct the final chapter in the movie septology (or whatever the hell you call a seven parter).
In a recent interview, Del Toro told MTV, "“I’m definitely interested [in directing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows], now that the movies have grown darker. They have a contrast between the gloomy existence of the kid and the world he’s exposed to. They have evolved into a really nice universe.”
Del Toro was once in the running to direct Prisoner of Azkaban, which went to Alfonso Cuaron. But he say he loves the final book. "I got it for my daughter and she was like ‘When are you going to give it to me?’” he stated. “I read it and I was very moved by the ending. It ends very much like a Dickens novel".
Needless to say, we would flip if Del Toro was given the job on this. We know we've been saying he should direct basically everything that's been announced recently (give him The Hobbit!), but can you imagine a project more suited to his strengths? It's got fantasy. It's got underlying darker themes. It's got big fuck off battles. David Yates did good work on Order of the Phoenix, and we expect good things of Half-Blood Prince too, but in the hands of Del Toro, this franchise could close with the best film of the lot.