Dark Knight Viral Mini-Update

Harvey Dent press conference goes awry

Dark Knight Viral Mini-Update

by Olly Richards |
Published on

There was a little more action in the Dark Knight viral campaign yesterday. At 3pm EDT (8pm in the UK) on Sunday, the ibelieveinharveydent.com website streamed a 'live press conference' with Harvey Dent, which was hijacked when Gotham Police Sergeant Francis Notaro, a vocal opponent of Dent in the viral mythos, took a woman hostage. Dent, being a square-jawed hero, then negotiated to trade places with the hostage. It was at this point that the audio (there was no video, don't panic) on the site cut out. You can hear the audio here.

We had been hoping, after receiving email reminders to listen to the press conference, that a new trailer might follow. But it seems we're going to have to wait a little longer.

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