Craig’s A Jolie Good Fellow

Tomb Raider co-star praises his leading lady

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Actor Daniel Craig will be familiar to UK telly addicts who've recently seen him playing the lead in Sword of Honour - Channel 4's TV adaptation of the Evelyn Waugh soldier saga. However the British actor will soon be the target of more international autograph hunters when he appears in the Tomb Raider movie opposite Angelina Jolie this summer. As Lara's fellow tomb raider Alex, Craig has been having a wonderful few months getting used to life on a big-budget movie. 'It's exciting,' he tells Harper's & Queen magazine, 'I'm feeling my way slowly and hopefully I'm getting control.' More importantly for fans of his leading lady, Craig has been able to confirm that La Jolie's lips are the real deal. 'I know for sure they are,' he told his interviewer. 'They're not as big close-up. But you know how you put on a couple of pounds when you go on screen? Well, hers go on there. She's absolutely phenomenally gorgeous.'

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