Up until now, Nicolas Cage hasn't been so much with the sequelly goodness (or, for that matter, badness). But clearly he enjoyed the experience of working on National Treasure: Book Of Secrets, to the extent that he's now talking cheerily about chalking up a third instalment to that franchise - and maybe a second to his critically-reviled but commercially-succcessful Ghost Rider.
"All they have to do is call, and I would love to see that happen," said the star of his flaming skulled comic book hero - so in other words no-one has called yet and we're probably OK on that front.
National Treasure, on the other hand, is the kind of thing that could run and run. Cage says that he'd like to see a third film turn even more into "International Treasure". "I'd like to go into Africa, Egypt, Asia," he said. "My hope is that Ben is recruited and he gets a dossier from these other countries about their history, and has to download it and learn it. That would be a lot of fun for me."
Well, at least he's having fun. But seriously, folks, National Treasure is an utterly stupid and actually rather fun franchise, so there was worse things that could happen. Like war, or total environmental breakdown (probably caused by movie crews flying all over the world to make dumb franchise films, but isn't it a price worth paying?). Although we're a little mystified by his rather hazy idea of the sort of "dossier" that might spark the quest - is a sort of Bluffer's Guide To Asian And African Countries really going to provide enough info to find the lost treasure of the Whosimawotsits?
Go to Coming Soon for the full quotes and more from Cage.