Brad’s Bit Snipped

British censor cuts Fight Club

by empire |
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Following a hysterical reaction to Fight Club in the States, the British Board of Film Classification has cut two scenes from the movie before granting it an 18 certificate. Film censor Robin Duval said that while the Board believed Fight Club to be no more violent than recent Hollywood fare - 'audiences who expect a large quantity of fist fighting and graphic violence are likely to be disappointed,' - there were two scenes which caused concern. These are believed to be the scenes in which Brad Pitt is beaten up by the Mafia and another in which the camera closes in on Edward Norton's victim. 'The Board judged that the violence was excessively sustained,' Duval explained, 'and in conflict with the concern expressed in the BBFC Guidelines about taking pleasure in pain or sadism.' Duval dismissed claims that the film showed viewers how to make explosive 'Such 'instructional detail' as there is is either misleading or unlikely to be harmful.' Summing up, the censor concluded that 'Fight Club will be enjoyed by a great many viewers without harm either to themselves or to anyone else.' Well that's put our minds at rest.

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