Director Danny Boyle has turned his back on big budget filmmaking and settled on two TV movies for the BBC.
It's been 18 months since Boyle filming finished The Beach with Leonardo DiCaprio and speculation over his follow-up project has been going on ever since. He's been linked to a variety of topics including something on the Manchester music scene - see our story here. In the announcement today, Boyle confirmed that he has signed up to direct two dramas for the BBC, Vacuuming Nude in Paradise and Strumpet. The two stories have been scripted by Jim 'Little Voice' Cartwright and will be set in Boyle's native Manchester. Both films are in the early stages of production with casting some way off. Empire Online asked a source close to the production whether a theatrical release was expected, much as happened for Little Voice. 'It's not up for discussion at the moment,' we were told. 'There are a number of films like Liam which were made for TV but have a theatrical leaning
Boyle’s Beach Follow-Up
Director swaps Thailand for Manchester
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