Bond Taken By Pirates

Latest 007 illegally on the web

by empire |
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Internet bootleggers have got the better of James Bond. A copy of the latest 007 film The World Is Not Enough has been stolen before its official release and is available free over the web. Investigators believe this is the first time a top film has been nabbed by internet thieves before it has reached the cinemas. The club's website could only be accessed by people who were given its seven-digit address as a reward for supplying it with early copies of films. The site has now been closed but the film is still being duplicated. None of this was done for profit but rather as part of a long-running rivalry between hackers who pride themselves on distributing copies of films, computer games and software before their official release. As an expert said in The Sunday Times: "They are in it for the technical challenge rather than the money - which is why not even James Bond can beat them."

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