It's less than a month since the full trailer was unveiled and now there's an even better preview for Superman Returns available to watch online. As if our whistles weren’t wet enough already, the powers that be have given us another jaw-dropping reason to give Marty McFly a call and ask if we can borrow his car – waiting for June 30 being just too painful to bear.
In this international teaser we’re once again treated to some awe-inspiring glimpses of what what is shaping up to be the summer's biggest and best blockbuster. The Fortress of Solitude, The Daily Planet, Spacey’s Lex Luther, chaos on the streets of Metropolis and, of course, some majestic scenes of the Man Of Steel bolting through the air are all included in these two and a half tantalising minutes. Oh, and the final shot might just be the coolest thing you’ll see all year.
Click here and see for yourself, labelled 'Trailer 3'.