Baywatch Gets New Writers

Yes, it’s still running our way…

Baywatch Gets New Writers

by James White |
Published on

It’s been a while since we heard anything about the ongoing journey of bikini-fest Baywatch to the big screen, but while there’s been little movement on finding a director or cast members, Paramount has hired two new writers, Brian Gatewood and Alessandro Tanaka.

The pair already have a comedy – The Sitter, which David Gordon Green is making with Jonah Hill starring – at Fox, so as The Hollywood Reporter’s story suggests, it looks like the ‘Watch remains on the comedic track suggested by the previous scribe, The Break-Up’s Jeremy Garlick.

And according to “insiders”, the focus is likely to be on the heroic ladies of the lifeguard squad and their red swimming cossies, though we’re sure they’ll find room for a Hoff cameo somewhere.

Paramount wants this one in our cinemas by next year, so they’re all going to have to stop running in slow motion if they’re going to get the thing made at last.

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