Here's the scariest sentence you will ever read - you might want to gird your loins and usher small children away from the computer. Ready? OK. "From the makers of Date Movie, Epic Movie, Meet The Spartans and Vampires Suck". shudder Yes, there's another one, called The Biggest Movie Of All Time 3D.
This one spoofs - you guessed it - Avatar. And no doubt other 3D epics as well, and probably also whatever random bits of pop culture the filmmakers happen to have noticed over the past few years. After all, their last effort, Vampires Suck, took scattershot aim at Alice In Wonderland and the Black Eyed Peas for no obvious reason (and we know that just from making it through the trailer). No doubt this one will turn its incisive comic gaze - wait, that should be 'moronic "comic" efforts' - to everything from The King's Speech to the death of Osama Bin Laden or the existence of Justin Bieber.
This will genuinely be in 3D - that's not just an oh-so-clever joke title* - marking a new dimension for writer/directors Jason Friedberg & Aaron Seltzer, god help us. If you're foolish enough to see it (and lots of people will - the damn things are critic-proof. WE TRIED TO WARN YOU, PEOPLE!), expect to watch entire scenes lifted verbatim from better films and played out incompetently with added fart gags. God help us.
*The irony being, of course, that if it *said *it was 3D and wasn't that might actually have been effective satire of some of the more lacklustre 3D efforts of the past few years.