You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet

Exclusive: Ian McKellen bids you hold onto your hats for Return of the King

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You loved the first one and the second one sent you into a frenzy but, if Sir Ian McKellen tells it right, the third instalment of The Lord of The Rings will send you into orbit. With The Two Towers picking up the award for Best Film at this year's Empire Awards, Sir Ian was on hand to tell us the very latest on Return of the King straight from the mouth - or rather keyboard - of Jackson himself. "I've got a little secret to tell you," he whispered in Empire Online's ear. "In an e-mail I got just now from Peter Jackson, I asked if he was coming tonight and he said 'no,' he can't but he's recorded a video message and then he put a PS at the bottom. It said: 'And Return of The King is looking very, very good!' So, I tell you, if Peter Jackson's boasting how good the third film is now, then we'd all better watch out!" Given the monumental success of parts one and two, he has little to worry about, but that wasn't the case this time last year. " We did worry a little bit, even after the success of the first film, that the second film might have a bit of a difficult time," Sir Ian confided. "Because, after all, it doesn't have a beginning and it doesn't have an ending. The story doesn't finish until Return of the King in a year's time. But the public has taken it to its heart, no doubt because they liked the first film so much." Now just try to contain yourselves for the next 10 months.

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