If you think that Indiana Jones puts his feet up and teaches the odd archaeology class to adoring students when not appearing in movies, then you would be distinctly wrong. Since Indy first cracked his whip, there have been numerous novels published extending the adventures of our hero. Though not involving story input from George Lucas, the official books - written by Rob MacGregor, Max McCoy and Martin Caidin - often featured cameos by characters from the series. They also generally featured Indy falling for some form of foreign maiden, who would rarely last more than one book. Though hardly required reading for fans, the books are at least worth glancing at for the fact that each of them has a cover designed by the legend that is Drew Struzan.
Indiana Jones and the Peril at Delphi

Written by: Rob MacGregor
This first spin-off novel may cause some excitement to fans of the modern Battlestar Galactica since it concerns the order of Pythia. But there are no spaceships or prophesying presidents here, since the novel tells of an earthquake at the ruins of Delphi, a site considered the centre of the world by the Greeks and home of the Delphic oracle. A comely archaeology professor, Dorian Belecamus, plans to become the Oracle of Delphi by finding a mystic stone that will help her take control of her country. She attempts to entice Indy to help using her womanly charms, the saucy wench.
Indiana Jones and the Dance of the Giants

Written by: Rob MacGregor
Published in 1991, this book sees Indy move to London for his first teaching job. There he meets a young Scottish student with the distinctly unsexy name of Deirdre Campbell, who presents Indy with a scroll that she claims proves the existence of the legendary wizard Merlin. As the pair search for the secret of Merlin, so does a politician who, being slightly more ambitious than the previous book's villainess, plans to use the secret to take over the world.
Indiana Jones and the Seven Veils

Written by: Rob MacGregor
No, this does not concern Indy prancing around doing a little dance with diaphanous scarves. Here Indy is in New York during the discovery of the writings of an explorer who claims to have found an ancient city in the Brazilian jungle and a race descended from Celtic Druids who exploit the magic of the seven veils. Indy sets off to find the city with Deirdre in tow. Notable for featuring a band of cannibals who wish to eat our hero.
Indiana Jones and the Genesis Deluge

Written by: Rob MacGregor
Back in London now, Indy - tragically without his Scottish squeeze - considers himself all but retired. This doesn't last long, as a Russian doctor draws him into a quest to find the biblical floating zoo, Noah's Ark. The doctor's lovely daughter Katrina proves all the persuasion that's needed. Somewhat surprisingly, gangster Al Capone makes an appearance in the story.
Indiana Jones and the Unicorn's Legacy

Written by: Rob MacGregor
Again Indy meets up with an attractive woman, and one not to be wholly trusted, this time one who is hunting for the horn of the mythological unicorn, in a neat nod to the previous book concerning the Ark (a boat that the unicorn is said to have missed). As ever, Indy and his love interest are not the only people hunting the treasure, which may have darker properties than you'd expect from a horse with unusual protuberances.
Indiana Jones and the Interior World

Written by: Rob MacGregor
Here Indy is forced to clean up a previous mess that has caused an imbalance between our world and a mysterious 'interior world' connected to the statues of Easter Island. Being a responsible adventurer, he sets out to restore balance to the worlds and prevent evil powers spilling out into our existence. Much like in Ghostbusters II, but without the guy from Ally McBeal in a dress.
Indiana Jones and the Sky Pirates

Written by: Martin Caidin
It's up into the skies for Indy this time, to solve the mystery of a fleet of strange airships that have been stealing the treasures of more traditional water-based ships, apparently with the power of psychokinetic levitation. And only one man can stop them... Michael Fish! No, sorry, it's Indiana Jones. Indy's love interest - who never quite makes it to the clinch in this story - is named Gale Parker, in what we can only hope is a deliberate air-based pun.
Indiana Jones and the White Witch

Written by: Martin Caidin
In 1930s England, a map is stolen that shows the way to an enormous horde of gold from the time of Christ, a haul that is meant to spread Christianity. With Gale again along for the ride, as well as a young Wiccan, who can perform magic, Indy sets off to find the treasure before the bad guys can snap it up and waste it all on sweets and comic books and taking over the world.
Indiana Jones and the Philosopher's Stone

Written by: Max McCoy
Yes, you read that right. Harry Potter and Indiana Jones searched for the same treasure, although McCoy's story beat J.K. Rowling's by two years. The stone here is essentially identical to that in the Potter books, in that it gives the bearer immortality. But before you cry rip-off, both take their inspiration from a legendary stone that both grants eternal life and turns metal into gold, so that you don't become poor in your endless existence.
Indiana Jones and the Dinosaur Eggs

Written by: Max McCoy
This is different to the other books in that it deals with something that is known to have existed: dinosaurs. However, the twist is that Indy is searching for a dinosaur that's still alive. It's up to him to save the last living triceratops and an ancient people. Take note franchise fans: this features Lao Che, who is seen as Indy's nemesis at the beginning of Temple of Doom, and Renee Belloq.
Indiana Jones and the Hollow Earth

Written by: Max McCoy
The Nazis are the villains here (yay!) with Belloq cropping up again. Indy has to stop those dastardly Germans from getting their hands on a piece of Icelandic stone with mysterious powers. Along with a beautiful Danish scientist, naturally, he treks off to find an ancient underground city to prevent Hitler finding it first and using it to take over the world.
Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Sphinx

*** Written by:*** Max McCoy
A year before the events of Temple of Doom, Indy hunts for the staff of Aaron and the magical Omega Book. The journey takes him across several continents in rapid succession, with potential romantic interest Faye Maskelyne and her ingenious, if daftly named, daughter Mystery. Probably the most exciting part of the book is that it contains a chapter entitled The Crystal Skull, although it is no way indicative of the plot of the new movie.